I want to welcome you to our blog. This portion of the website is where I will share my chocolate tasting experiences. It is merely subjective. I am not sharing my chocolate experiences to persuade you whether or not to buy a certain chocolate, tell you a chocolate is good or bad, follow a certain chocolate maker or like a certain type or origin of chocolate. I am answering a calling to share my love for chocolate and to bring light to those who share a passion for the “Food of the Gods”.
In 2009, I answered a calling to learn how to make truffles and bonbons. In 2015, I answered a calling to learn how to make bean to bar chocolate. In 2017, I answered a calling to step outside of my comfort zone, quit my corporate day job, take a huge salary pay cut and relocate 2,400 miles across the country to make chocolate for my friend’s chocolate company.
I find myself back in New Jersey with a bigger challenge and initiative. A challenge to share chocolate with those of you who have never experienced the fine flavors of craft chocolate. Those of you who have never heard of small (or medium-sized) bean to bar chocolate makers across the country, let alone the world. Heck, I haven’t even heard of half of them but am learning about more each week. Every day someone else is clicking onto ChocolateAlchemy.com or reading about chocolate in a book or having a chat with someone in a chocolate shop or specialty store and are getting inspired to create and bring to life their own interpretation of chocolate from cacao beans or tasting a chocolate bar they made by a chocolate company they never heard of.
Many people are not given the opportunity everyday to give up their careers to pursue their passions. They have responsibilities for their families, financial responsibilities or responsibilities where people are depending and relying on them for support. People have dreams and aspirations. To be happy. I was fortunate to experience various facets of the chocolate industry. I enjoyed making bonbons, making chocolate and teaching others about chocolate. It’s not to say I will never do those again. I want to do it in my own way. Have chocolate tastings, share some knowledge and have fun. Taste chocolate and write about it and give back to those farmers at origin to help make the chocolate possible.
Everyone wants access to the best of the best. Sure, “the best” chocolate is subjective. How about tasting chocolate at face value? Celebrate it for its impact on us. Bringing us together. Making us happy. Does it taste good to you? What aromas do you smell? What flavors do you taste? Don’t get too serious. Enjoy chocolate. Read my posts and tastings on chocolate bars and be inspired to try it for yourself.
In an industry this big that is growing so much each day, we must savor everyone’s interpretation of cacao and celebrate it. There’s more value that you think in a chocolate bar. Farmers at origin don’t merely get paid enough for growing and harvesting such fruit. We must support them through supporting our fellow chocolate makers around the world. It’s my wish that no matter how constructive I am in my posts and tastings, that I share my own experience. Everyone will have their own experience and that is the true joy of chocolate. So, my fellow friends of chocolate, read on and be inspired. Comment and share and feel the urge to go out of your comfort zone. Follow your passions in life and don’t forget to enjoy chocolate along the way!